Special Session 9

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Advanced Power Generation Technology with High Efficiency and Low Carbon Emissions and the Integration of Multiple Energy Sources


Coal is a crucial fossil fuel that plays a pivotal role in the global energy system, providing essential power for the rapid economic advancement of nations. However, it also gives rise to significant environmental challenges. Therefore, the development of efficient low-carbon power generation technology becomes imperative as a means to achieve near-zero emissions within the energy sector.
Renewable energy, particularly wind and solar power, exhibits intermittent and volatile characteristics. The current energy storage technology is still difficult to meet the energy storage demand at the grid level. As a result, coal-fired power generation remains necessary to handle peak load demand. Therefore, it is imperative to further explore the potential for energy conservation in existing coal-fired power plants and establish a multi-energy complementary power generation system based on coal-fired power generation.
In order to achieve near-zero emissions in the energy sector, it is imperative to focus on pioneering novel power generation cycles, conducting comprehensive exploration of new energy storage technologies suitable for grid-level applications, and dedicating efforts towards research and development of efficient and cost-effective carbon capture technologies.


Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
1、 Energy saving technology of coal-fired power generation system 燃煤发电系统节能技术
2、 Complementary power generation between fossil and renewable energy sources 化石能源与可再生能源互补发电
3、 Novel power cycle/system 新型动力循环/系统
4、 The technology of energy storage at the grid level 电网级储能技术
5、 The technology of carbon capture and utilization 碳捕集及利用技术

Organizer: Cheng Xu, North China Electric Power University, China
Biography: Cheng Xu is an associate professor at the School of Energy, Power and Mechanical Engineering, North China Electric Power University. His main research interests focus on the areas of basic theory of thermal cycle, energy-saving theory and technology of coal-fired power stations, and advanced power cycle. He is the author of 45 SCI academic papers and 13 national invention patents. He is the team leader of a number of academic projects, including the Young Scientist Project of the National key Research and Development Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He also participated in one National Science and Technology Major Project.
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