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Young Scientist Awards | 最佳青年科学家奖

1. Everyone within the age of 40 by March 30 with a doctor degree is eligible for Best Young Scientist Award.
2. Application could be made during registration. The applicant is required to submit representative publications (up to 2) and full CV for judges to review. All publications need to provide impact factor, citation and major research contribution.
3. Three researchers will be selected by the TPC during the conference.
4. Award Application Deadline: March 05, 2025


Outstanding Contribution Award | 突出贡献奖

Outstanding Contribution Award is given to an organizing committee member who has made a significant contribution to the AEEES 2025.
杰出贡献奖授予对AEEES 2025做出重大贡献的组委会成员。


Outstanding Organizing Award | 优秀组织奖

Outstanding Contribution Award is given to an special session chairs who has made a significant contribution to the AEEES 2025.
优秀组织奖授予在AEEES 2025中做出重大贡献的专题研讨分会主席。


Outstanding Reviewer Award | 优秀审稿人奖

Outstanding Reviewer Award is presented to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and expertise in reviewing submissions for the conference. These individuals have provided insightful and constructive feedback, contributing to the overall quality of the conference proceedings.


Best Paper Award | 优秀论文奖

1. All nominations will be selected during the review process and grouped into a few key areas. 会议将在审稿过程中评选出最佳论文,并按论文研究领域分组
2. Nominated papers in the same key area will be presented in the same session. 所属领域相同的候选文章将在同一个分会进行报告,由此评选出最佳论文奖
3. Only full paper submissions which are presented at the conference will be eligible for the best paper award. 仅做过报告的全文投稿才拥有最佳论文奖的候选资格

Best Student Paper Award | 优秀学生论文奖

1. For university students only. 仅针对在校大学生
2. The first author of the paper registered. 注册文章第一作者
3. Oral Presentation Type. 做口头报告的演讲形式
4. Winners will be selected by the Program Committee. 程序委员会将评选出优秀学生论文集


Best Oral Presentation Award | 最佳口头报告奖

For every session, one best oral presentation will be selected by session chairs according to the originality, applicability, Technical Merit, PPT and English.


Best Poster Award | 最佳海报张贴报告奖

1. All the accepted and registed poster papers. 仅针对海报展示的作者
2. It will be selected by poster session chairs. 海报展示分会的主席将选出最佳