Registration Instructions | 注册指南

Home >Author Guideline | 作者指南
When to register? | 注册时间

* Delegates: Registration accepted before March 31, 2025. (Register Now!)
* Abstract: Included in program book only. The author will be invited to give an oral or poster presentation. Making registration after you receive the acceptance letter and browse more. (Register Now!)
* Full Paper: Submitted and Accepted full paper will be published into the conference proceeding. The author should be invited to make presentation. Making registration after you receive the acceptance letter and browse more. (Register Now!)



How to get an invoice before paying? | 经费申请说明

*If you need invoice letter to proceed payment, please provide types of participation.
*Please provide a student card or an official letter on your institution or organization's letterhead which indicates proof of your status as a Student.


Information should be provided below | 信息提供

1. Paper ID:.
2. Paper Title:
3. AEEES 2025, The 7th Asia Asia Energy and Electrical Engineering Symposium
4. Bill to: (please indicate name of University / Institution / person)
5. VAT number:
6. Name of Participate:
7. E-mail:
8. Type: Presentation & Full Paper/ Presentation & Abstract / Listener


Official Receipt of the payment | 官方发票

After the successful registration, official receipt will be issued in advance and you can get it onsite the conference.
If you need the receipt before, the scanned version can be mailed via


Refund Policy | 退款条例

Refund is acceptable before February 25, 2025 only. Send application to conference mail