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Conference Keynote Speaker I

Prof. Bikash C. Pal
(IEEE FELLOW, PES Vice President)
Imperial College, UK

Speech Title: Stability Modelling and Analysis of Converter Driven Power System
Abstract: The number of power electronics converters connected to electrical networks has been growing exponentially as they are part of all new generation connected to the grid. While the rapid control and fast electronic switching available with this technology offer flexibility in network operation, the dynamic interactions between several of them threaten the operational stability of the transmission grid is a concern. It is required to develop a methodology for identifying the risks associated with the stability and control interaction before a new power electronic device (e.g. Windfarm, interconnector, STATCOM) is introduced to the network
The talk will focus on an analytical framework in impedance domain to quantify the interaction between the new plant and the rest of the network for setting additional grid connection study specifications which will include detail technical study to check and mitigate the risks associated with new power electronics interfaced generation. The framework developed is to support MMC technology, control delay, system strength and FRT capability of dynamic voltage support devices and windfarm through technical case study conducted at the research group of Bikash Pal at Imperial College London. Future research challenges and opportunities will be highlighted.

Bio: Bikash Pal is a Professor of Power Systems at Imperial College London (ICL). He is research active in power system stability, control, and estimation. Currently he is leading a six university UK-China research consortium on Resilient Operation of Sustainable Energy Systems (ROSES) as part of EPSRC-NSFC Programme on Sustainable Energy Supply. He led UK-China research consortium project on Power network stability with grid scale storage (2014-2017): His research is conducted in strategic partnership with ABB, SIEMENS, GE Grid Solutions, UK, and National Grid, UK. UK Power Networks. SIEMENS R&D collaborated with him to develop fast power flow and volt-var control tools in Spectrum Power, an advanced module for distribution management system solution from SIEMENS. This is now commissioned in distribution control centres in Columbia, Bosnia Norway and Azerbaijan serving 15 million customers in these countries. GE commissioned sequel of projects with him to analyse and solve wind farm HVDC grid interaction problems (2013-2019). Prof Pal was the chief technical consultant for a panel of experts appointed by the UNFCCC CDM (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Clean Development Mechanism). He has offered trainings in Chile, Qatar, UAE, Malaysia and India in power system protections, stability and control topics. He has developed and validated a prize winning 68-bus power system model, which now forms a part of IEEE Benchmark Systems as a standard for researchers to validate their innovations in stability analysis and control design. He was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2012-2017) and Editor-in-Chief of IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution (2005-2012). He is Vice President, PES Publications (2019-2023). In 2016, his research team won the President’s outstanding research team award at Imperial College London (ICL). He is Fellow of IEEE for his contribution to power system stability and control. He is Fellow of The Royal Academy of engineering, UK for the impact of his contribution to the field. He is an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in Power distribution system estimation and control. He has published about 125 papers in IEEE Transactions and authored four books in power system modelling, dynamics, estimations and control. He was Otto Monsted Professor at Denmark Technical University (DTU) (2019) and Mercator Professor sponsored by German Research Foundation (DFG) at University of Duisburg-Essen in 2011.

Conference Keynote Speaker II

Prof. Claudio Adrián Cañizares
(Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Canada, IEEE; IEEE PES Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award)
University of Waterloo, Canada

Speech Title: The Energy Transition in Canada and Ontario
Abstract: This talk will provide an overview of Canadian provincial and remote community power grids, and a detailed discussion of Ontario’s provincial grid, market, and future expansion plans, in the context of zero-emission power systems as the backbone of the energy transition. A critical overview of the decarbonization status and policies for energy systems in Canada will be also presented, focusing on zero-emission power grid, EV, and Hydrogen plans and strategies to enable a Net-Zero 2050, and concluding with a personal plea for a commitment to eliminating emissions in our daily energy use.

Bio: Claudio Cañizares is a University Professor and the Hydro One Endowed Chair at the Electrical and Computer Engineering (E&CE) Department, and the Executive Director of the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE) at the University of Waterloo, where he has held various academic and administrative positions since 1993 and has received multiple recognitions, especially the 2021-2022 Awards of Excellence in Graduate Supervision from both the University and the Faculty of Engineering. He obtained the Electrical Engineer degree from the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN) in Quito-Ecuador in 1984, where he held different academic and administrative positions between 1983 and 1993, and his MSc (1988) and PhD (1991) degrees in Electrical Engineering are from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research activities focus on the study of stability, control, optimization, modeling, simulation, and computational issues in bulk power systems, microgrids, and energy systems in the context of decarbonization, competitive energy markets, smart grids, and energy access. In these areas, he has led or been an integral part of multiple grants and contracts from government agencies and private companies worth millions of dollars, and has collaborated with various industry and university researchers in Canada and abroad, supervising/co-supervising over 180 research fellows and graduate students. He has authored/co-authored over 380 publications that have exceeded 32,000 citations at an 80 H-index, including journal and conference papers, technical reports, book chapters, disclosures, and patents, and has been invited to deliver keynote speeches, seminars, tutorials, and presentations at many prestigious venues worldwide. He is the Editor-In-Chief of the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (IEEE) Transactions on Smart Grid; the 2022-2023 IEEE Division VII Director of the IEEE and Power & Energy Society (PES) Boards; and a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, where he was the Director of the Applied Science and Engineering Division of the Academy of Science from 2017 to 2020. He is also the recipient of the 2017 IEEE PES Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award, the 2016 IEEE Canada Electric Power Medal, and of multiple IEEE PES awards and recognitions, holding leadership positions in several IEEE-PES Committees, Working Groups, and Task Forces.

Conference Keynote Speaker III

Prof. Jun Xiao
(Vice Chair of the IEEE PES Distributed Energy Resources and Distribution System Planning Subcommittee,  'World's Top 2% Scientist')
Tianjin University, China

Speech Title: A General Acceleration Method for Solving Optimization Problems in Distribution Systems
Abstract: The optimization problems involving power flow equations or voltage constraints exist widely in electric power distribution systems. To enhance their computational efficiency, this paper proposed a general acceleration method to solve the distribution system optimization problems. Firstly, the capacity boundary and voltage boundary model of distribution systems are established. The relative position between the two boundaries reflects the strength of capacity and voltage constraints, based on which two critical feeder lengths (CFLs) are defined to quantify their strength. Secondly, simplification criteria and an acceleration method are proposed. Given a distribution system, if the distance from the end load/DG node to the slack bus is less than the corresponding CFL, we can conclude that the capacity constraints are stricter than the voltage constraints. Then, the distribution system can be simplified by adopting DC power flow model or disregarding the voltage constraints. After that, the reference value tables of CFL are presented. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by exemplifying the method in network reconfiguration and reactive power optimization problems. By implementing the proposed acceleration method, a significant reduction in computation time is achieved while ensuring accuracy. We have found the proposed method can be applied in most urban distribution systems and achieve good acceleration effect in solving optimization problems.

Bio: Xiao Jun, born in 1971, is a Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at Tianjin University and also serves as the Vice Chair of the IEEE PES Distributed Energy Resources and Distribution System Planning Subcommittee. He is recognized as a 'New Century Excellent Talent' by the Chinese Ministry of Education and a 'Highly Cited Chinese Researcher' and 'World's Top 2% Scientist' by Elsevier. Prof. Xiao has been engaged in research on urban distribution system planning for a long time and has accomplished more than 400 distribution system planning projects in over 70 cities in China, such as Beijing and Shanghai. He is founder of Distribution System Security Region (DSSR) and Total Supply Capability (TSC) theory. He has also led 9 highest-class research projects sponsored by the Chinese central government, including the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Basic Research Program (973 Program), the National High Technology Research and Development (863 Program), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Prof. Xiao has published over 130 SCI/EI papers, two monographs, over 30 Chinese patents, and one U.S. patent. He has received the China National Award of Science & Technology twice and also received the 'Distinguished Individual Contribution Award' by IEEE PES and the 'Best Conference Paper' by IEEE PES GM.

Conference Keynote Speaker IV

Prof. Jih-Sheng (Jason) Lai
(IEEE Life Fellow)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA

Speech Title: Pathway to Net Zero with High-Efficiency Power Conversion Technologies for Electrification
Abstract: As the transportation and electricity generation are mostly relying on fossil fuel today, electrification and associated grid modernization have been recognized as the key to eliminating fossil fuel dependence and paving the way for achieving the 2050 net-zero emission goal. The overarching strategy involves transitioning modes of transportation into electric power sources primarily fueled by renewable and clean energy. Center to this endeavor are essential technologies such as traction motor drives and battery chargers. In parallel, grid modernization hinges on advanced power conversion technologies such as high-voltage high-power inverters and solid-state transformers, all designed to seamlessly integrate renewable energy source. Due to the nature of load in transportation and many other sectors is mostly DC. Consequently, the renewable integration and power distribution system often involve with unnecessary power conversion stages or inefficient power conversion technologies, resulting in substantial energy losses. Given the global electricity capacity exceeding 11 TW, a mere one percent loss translates to a staggering 110-GW capacity. Every single percent of power conversion loss represents 1.1 GW, or at least one nuclear power plant. High efficiency power conversion is necessary to help reduce additional power plant constructions and to accelerate achieving the net-zero emission goal.
This presentation will introduce advanced high-efficiency power electronics technologies that leverage the latest generation power semiconductor devices to approach near-perfect power conversion. Real-world examples of ultrahigh-efficiency power conversion in EV inverters, fast chargers, PV inverters, and solid-state transformers will be showcased. Additionally, the associated grid modernization with the hybridized power distribution architecture that reduces the number of power conversion stages for overall system loss reduction will also be explored.

Bio: Jih-Sheng (Jason) Lai received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1985 and 1989. After graduated, he joined Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Power Electronics Applications Center as the Senior Engineer and Manager. From 1993, he worked with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as the Power Electronics Lead Scientist. In 1996, he switched to academia and joined Virginia Tech. Currently he is James S. Tucker Endowed Chair Professor and Director of Future Energy Electronics Center (FEEC). Since 2023, he has been appointed as a Fulbright Specialist by the US Fulbright Program. He published more than 500 refereed technical papers and received more than 30 U.S. patents in the area of high power electronics and their applications.
Dr. Lai is an IEEE Life Fellow. He received numerous awards including a Technical Achievement Award in 1995-Lockheed Martin Award Night and 2016-IEEE Gerald Kliman Innovation Award. His student teams won grand prizes in 2009 TI Engibous Analog Design Competition and 2011 IEEE International Future Energy Challenge. In 2016 Google Little Box Challenge, his team won the Top 3 Finalist among 2000+ international teams.

Conference Invited Speaker I

Prof. Bo Hu
Chongqing University, China

Speech Title: Tab
Abstract: Tab

Bio: Prof. Bo Hu received his Ph.D. degree at Chongqing University, China, in 2010. Currently, he is a full professor in the School of Electrical Engineering, at Chongqing University. His main research interests focus on the power system reliability, planning and analysis.
He is the author and co-author of over 80 academic papers and two books. He is the team leader of more than 40 projects, including four under the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He is the Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and IEEE Power Engineering Letters. He has won the first prize of Science and Technology Advancement Award of China Electric Power Industry, the first prize of Science and Technology Advancement Award of Chongqing City, and the first prize of the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education. He served as a member of the Reliability Committee and the Energy Internet Committee of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering, and a member of the Standardization Technical Committee of Chinese Electric Power Industry.

Conference Invited Speaker II

Prof. Shaopeng Wu
Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Speech Title: Multi-time Scale Inertial Energy Storage Power Supply Technologies
Abstract: Tab

Bio: Prof. Shaopeng Wu is Tenured professor of Harbin Institute of Technology, Doctoral supervisor, National-level Young Talent, Winner of the 15th Peter J. Kemmey Young Scholar Achievement Award, IEEE Senior Member, PI of Harbin Institute of Technology’s “Young Scientists Studio”, Harbin Institute of Technology “Young Top Talents”. He has been engaged in research on multi-time scale inertial energy storage power supplies and high-quality special electric drive systems under complex working conditions. He has presided over key special projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Key R&D Program for Intergovernmental International Cooperation, Major projects of Delta Power Electronics Science and Education Development Plan, and Harbin Institute of Technology Original Frontier Exploration Fund, etc. He serves as a member of the Electromagnetic Launch Technology Committee of the China Electrotechnical Society and a member of the Youth Committee of the Electrotechnical Society of China. Published 2 academic monographs in Chinese and English, published more than 50 SCI papers, authorized more than 10 invention patents, won 2 first prizes of provincial and ministerial science and technology awards, and 2 provincial teaching awards.

Conference Invited Speaker III

Senior Engineer Shiling Zhang
State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company, China

Speech Title: Research on the Application of Large Model and Parallel Computing Technology in the Design and Operation of ±800kV Ultra High Voltage Power Equipment
Abstract: (1) From the perspective of high-voltage power equipment operation, this paper introduces the typical structure of high-voltage power equipment under high-order harmonic loads, actual valve chamber operating environment, and heating theoretical model for the output device and bushing structure of converter transformers. By optimizing the design using artificial intelligence algorithms, the structural dimensions of the high-voltage bushing and outgoing device are obtained.
(2) The proposed operation detection strategy and method for ultra-high voltage converter transformers and their accessories can intelligently determine their operating status based on the type and content of micro decomposed gases in oil chromatography. The developed defect simulation device hardware platform can effectively collect raw classification data and form a defect sample library; The proposed intelligent simulation algorithm is easy to program and can be used for the diagnosis and evaluation of potential defects in transformers in practical engineering.
This speech provides new ideas for the establishment of a three-dimensional digital model of converter transformers and the practical application of artificial intelligence technology in the structural design and operation of converter accessories.

Bio: Zhang Shiling, PhD, professor level senior engineer, technical expert. Engaged in the optimization design of ultra-high voltage insulation structures, as well as the operation status detection and life assessment of ultra-high voltage power equipment. Published over 38 SCI/EI search papers as the first author in domestic and foreign publications, 28 Chinese core journals of Peking University, and won 9 provincial and ministerial awards such as the first prize for scientific and technological progress in Chongqing and the special first prize of the China Water Resources and Power Quality Management Association for innovative achievements. Accepted 1 international invention patent, authorized more than 30 national invention patents and utility models, authorized 18 software copyrights, and reported more than 20 international and domestic conferences, As the project leader, I presided over 2 provincial and ministerial level projects at the forefront of the foundation, and 6 science and technology projects at the headquarters of State Grid Corporation of China.


Conference Invited Speaker IV

Assoc. Prof. Wang Yu
Fudan University, China

Speech Title: Tab
Abstract: Tab

Bio: Wang Yu, associate professor at Fudan University, has long been committed to research on the digitalization and intelligence of renewable energy systems. He has made achievements in multi-equipment integration and control technology of integrated photovoltaic and storage systems, direct-drive wind brushless power generation technology, and high-speed permanent magnet power generation technology. Relevant research work has been published in 21 SCI papers in top international journals in the electrical field such as Applied Energy and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, including 12 JCR region 1 papers. He has been invited to give presentations at several important academic conferences at home and abroad for many times, and has been invited to serve as a guest editor for many top-level international journals and conferences. He presided over the Shanghai Natural Science Foundation and a number of key enterprise projects such as State Grid and China General Nuclear Power, and participated in the first batch of key technology research on carbon evolution in national carbon neutral parks as the actual project leader. Dr Wang won the first prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award in 2022 and the first prize of Shanghai Electric Power Company Science and Technology Progress Award in 2021. He was selected as "Shanghai Overseas Leading Talents" in 2021.

Conference Invited Speaker V

Assoc. Prof. Yulong Che
Lanzhou Jiaotong University, China

Speech Title: Tab
Abstract: Tab

Bio: Yulong Che received the B.S. degree from Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang, China, in 2011, the M.S. degree from Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, China, in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree from Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, in 2022, all in electrical engineering.
Since 2014, he has been with Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, China, where he is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Automation and Electrical Engineering. His current research interests include the interaction between traction power supply system and power system, uncertainty modeling of traction load and its application, uncertainty Analysis of new-type power system.

Conference Invited Speaker VI

Assoc. Prof. Dongdong Zhang
Guangxi University, China

Speech Title: Tab
Abstract: Tab

Bio: Dongdong Zhang (张冬冬), Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Associate Professor and Doctoral Supervisor from Guangxi University, Deputy Director of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Guangxi University, Executive Deputy Director of the Virtual Teaching and Research Office of the Electrical Engineering and Automation Major of the Ministry of Education, Assistant Dean of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Youth Editorial Committee Member of "Electric Power Construction", selected as one of the top 2% scientists in the world, and selected as the Vice President of Science and Technology in Jiangsu Province (Provincial Talent Project), Concurrently serving as the Vice President of Nanjing Taidai Intelligent Equipment Research Institute (Nanjing New R&D Institution), postdoctoral fellow of Haojiang Scholars at the University of Macau (Class A), awarded the title of "Learning Powerful Activist" at the autonomous region level, Excellent Graduation Design Guidance Teacher, Excellent Graduate Thesis Guidance Teacher, Excellent Doctoral Graduates, Excellent Master's Graduates, Excellent Bachelor's Graduates, and Excellent Graduation Thesis More than 40 honors and rewards, including doctoral student national scholarships. As the person in charge, I
Research Fields:
➢ Renewable power generation and clean energy technologies
➢ Distributed energy resources and storage
have presided over more than 10 projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation and the Science and Technology Development Fund of the Macao Special Administrative Region. I have won 1 first prize for provincial teaching achievements, 1 second prize for provincial scientific and technological achievements, and 1 national level society science and technology innovation award. As the chairman of the branch, I participated in organizing three top-level IEEE international conferences, organized four SCI special issues, and served as a invited reviewer for over 60 SCI journals and over 20 international EI conferences and journals. I have reviewed over 300 SCI papers and over 100 EI papers in total. Due to excellent review work, we have received multiple honors and awards including the top 1% review expert in the global engineering field of ESI, the top 1% review expert in the global interdisciplinary field of ESI, and the "Outstanding Review Expert" in IEEE Power&Energy Society and IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. In the past five years, I have published over 100 high-level papers, including over 60 SCI papers from the first and second districts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 ESI hot topic paper (top 1‰), and 6 highly cited papers (top 1%). Authorized (accepted) over 40 patents, including 2 accepting PCT international patents.

Speakers in 2024 to be announced soon......