Market Mechanism and Reliability of Multi-energy Systems
energy crisis has brought great challenges to the
low-carbon and economic development of the energy
system. To achieve net-zero emissions, energy
systems can have an increasing penetration of
renewable energy and a deep coupling of multiple
energy sectors (i.e., electricity, gas, and heat).
To deal with the increasing fluctuations of
renewable energy in multi-energy systems, the market
mechanism is an effective solution for the optimal
allocation of resources. An optimal market design
could stimulate different resources to actively
assist the carbon reduction and reliability
improvement of multi-energy systems. Therefore,
research on low-carbon-oriented market design and
optimal operation is expected to improve the
reliability and sustainability of multi-energy
The objective of this Special Session is to explore
the latest advances in market design and reliability
improvement technologies of multi-energy systems
with a focus on low-carbon, reliability, and
resilience. Original research and review articles in
theoretical, methodological, or practical focuses,
such as models, policies, algorithms, and
applications, are all welcome.
Research areas may include (but are not limited to) the following:
Low-carbon-oriented market mechanism
Interaction framework designs for flexible
Modeling and optimization technologies for
multi-energy systems
Evaluation methods for the system resilience,
flexibility, and carbon emissions
Operation, control, and planning methods of
multi-energy systems
Applications of artificial intelligence
technology in reliability improvement
Renewable energy prediction and integration
Organizer: Changzheng Shao, Chongqing University, China

Changzheng Shao is an associate professor at
the School of Electrical Engineering,
Chongqing University. Research directions
include reliability analysis and
optimization of power systems and integrated
energy systems. As the subject leader, he
presided over 1 national key research and
development plan project, and National
Natural Science Foundation Youth Project,
the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
Special Funding Project and General Project,
and the Chongqing Natural Science Foundation
General Project. He Published more than 40
papers in SCI journals, including 26 papers
in the IEEE Trans. journals. He served on
the editorial board of several international
SCI journals and chaired international
conference branches. He took the lead in
winning the Electric Power Science and
Technology Innovation Award and the Geneva
International Invention Exhibition Award,
and won the International Conference Paper
Award. 2 times.
Co-organizer: Minglei Bao, Zhejiang University, China

Biography: Minglei Bao is a ZJU new 100 Research Professor with the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. His research directions include reliability analysis of multi-energy systems, power market and etc. He has published more than 30 papers in journals such as IEEE Trans. and Applied Energy. He has presided projects such as the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and National Key R&D Plan sub-projects. He served on the chaired international conference branches. He was selected into the Young Talent Promotion Project of China Association for Science and Technology. His doctoral thesis was selected as an outstanding doctoral thesis of Zhejiang University and nominated by the China Electrotechnical Society for outstanding doctoral thesis. He won the Science and Technology Progress Award of China Electrotechnical Society, Science and Technology Progress Award of Zhejiang Electric Power Society and other awards.
Trans. 和Applied
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