Special Session 6

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Condition Monitoring and Intelligent Diagnosis


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Organizer: Hongzhong Ma, Hohai University, China
Biography: Ma Hongzhong, 1962.7 , male, member of the Jiu San Society, Ph.D., professor, doctoral tutor, director of the Institute of Power System Automation, Hohai University. Mainly engaged in power equipment condition monitoring, fault diagnosis and health warning research.
Have taught courses: "Circuit", "Electrical Science", "Power System Remote Monitoring", "Power Engineering", "Electrical Equipment" (undergraduate) and so on. "Power Equipment Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis" (Graduate) "New Technology for Power Equipment Fault Diagnosis" (Ph.D. (Lecture))
The main research areas: 1. Power equipment condition monitoring, fault analysis and diagnosis 2. Renewable energy power generation technology (mainly engaged in wind power system monitoring failure analysis and access system research) 3 . Dynamic line capacity, cable monitoring and mutual layer overvoltage compensation 4 . Electric vehicle high voltage safety 5. Energy-saving technology, harmonic source analysis, adaptive noise reduction of low-frequency electromagnetic noise in (urban) substation 6 . Power system remote monitoring and relay protection 7. Research on magnetic bearing capacity of hydroelectric power generation system (load reduction) Browse more details here: (Click)
Co-organizer: Zhenfei Chen, Hohai University, China
Biography: Zhenfei Chen, associate professor of College of Energy and Electrical Engineering of Hohai University, core member of Key Power Equipment Fault Diagnosis Institute, IEEE/IEEE PES member, senior member of the China Electrotechnical Society, executive board member of the IEEE PES WIE committee, Nanjing ambassador of IEEE PES Day, and outstanding reviewers for multiple journals such as the Proceedings of the CSEE and the Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society. She has led and participated in over 10 national or provincial level projects, as well as several enterprise projects. She has published over 40 SCI/EI journal papers and had more than 20 public or authorized invention patents. She has won the third prize of Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Progress Award in 2022.
陈浈斐,河海大学能源与电气学院副教授,电力重大装备及其故障诊断研究所成员,IEEE/IEEE PES会员、中国电工技术学会高级会员,IEEE WIE 执行委员会成员、IEEE PES DAY南京大使,《中国电机工程学报》、《电工技术学报》等多个期刊优秀审稿专家。主持参与10余项国家和省部级纵向项目以及多项企业横向项目。发表SCI/EI/核心期刊论文40余篇,授权或公开发明专利20余项,获得2022年江苏省科学技术进步三等奖。
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Delegates are encouraged to submit their full papers/abstract to the special sessions. Please submit electronically article in PDF format before the submission deadline.

The online submission system is opened here:
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aeees2025 and choose special session 6.

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Any questions, please mail the conference secretary.