Special Session 8

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Theory and Application of Agricultural Energy Internet


The Theory and Application of Rural Energy Internet is an emerging and interdisciplinary field that focuses on the integration of renewable energy, smart grid technologies, and information communication systems to create a sustainable and efficient energy ecosystem in Agricultural areas. This special session aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to gather and discuss the latest research findings, exchange ideas, address challenges, and explore opportunities in the development and implementation of the Agricultural Energy Internet.


1. Smart Grid Technologies for Agricultural Energy Systems 农业能源系统的智能电网技术:
- Advanced monitoring and control systems for Agricultural energy systems 用于农业能源系统的高级监控和控制系统
- Integration and management of renewable energy sources in Agricultural areas 农业地区可再生能源的集成和管理
- Demand response strategies and load balancing techniques in Agricultural energy systems 农业能源系统中的需求响应策略和负载平衡技术
2. Internet of Things (IoT) Applications in Agricultural Energy Internet 农业能源互联网中的物联网应用:
- Sensor networks and data collection methods for real-time monitoring in Agricultural energy systems 用于农业能源系统实时监测的传感器网络和数据收集方法
- Smart home and building automation for improving energy efficiency in Agricultural areas 用于提高农业地区能源效率的智能家居和建筑自动化
- Remote monitoring and maintenance of renewable energy infrastructure 可再生能源基础设施的远程监测和维护
3. Data Analytics and Decision Support Systems for Agricultural Energy Internet 农业能源互联网的数据分析和决策支持系统:
- Predictive modeling and optimization for renewable energy generation in Agricultural areas 用于农业地区可再生能源发电的预测建模和优化
- Energy forecasting and planning tools for Agricultural communities 农业社区的能源预测和规划工具
- Decision support systems for policy-making in Agricultural energy management 决策支持系统用于农业能源管理政策制定
4. Financing and Business Models for Agricultural Energy Internet 农业能源互联网的融资和商业模式:
- Innovative financing mechanisms for Agricultural energy systems 用于农业能源系统的创新融资机制
- Public-private partnerships for sustainable Agricultural energy development 可持续农业能源发展的公私合作伙伴关系
- Business models and market mechanisms for decentralized energy generation in Agricultural areas 农业地区分散能源发电的商业模式和市场机制
5. Case Studies and Demonstrations of Agricultural Energy Internet 农业能源互联网的案例研究和示范:
- Successful implementations of the Agricultural Energy Internet in various regions 农业地区各地成功实施农业能源互联网的案例
- Economic, social, and environmental impacts of the Agricultural Energy Internet in Agricultural communities 农业社区中农业能源互联网的经济、社会和环境影响

This special session aims to facilitate knowledge sharing, collaboration, and innovation in order to drive the sustainable development of Agricultural energy systems. Let's advance the field and create a more sustainable future for Agricultural energy internet.


Information Processing in Agriculture
Online ISSN: 2214-3173
Editor-in-Chief:Prof. Daoliang Li
Impact Factor: 13.7
Indexing: EI Compendex, SCOPUS, etc

Submission Guidelines
* Delegates are encouraged to submit their full/extended papers to the special session 8. https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/AEEES2025-SpecialSession8
* Good quality papers will be selected by the session chairs and invited to extend their papers/abstracts for submission to the journal.

Organizer: Xueqian Fu, China Agricultural University, China
Co-organizer: Liwei Ju, North China Electric Power University, China
Biography: Xueqian Fu (IEEE Senior member) is Director of IEEE Smart Village CWG-Marketing, IEEE Young Professionals, and Associate Professor at China Agricultural University. He is a one of World‘s Top 2% Scientists 2023,and he is recognized as 'Outstanding Talent' and 'Young Star B’ by CAU. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from North China Electric Power University in 2008 and 2011, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree from South China University of Technology in 2015. From 2011 to 2015, he was an electrical engineer with Guangzhou Power Supply Co. Ltd.. From 2015 to 2017, he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher with Tsinghua University. His current research interests include Statistical Machine Learning, Agricultural Energy Internet, and PV system integration.
He is an associate Editor-in-Chief of “Information Processing in Agriculture", a youth editor of “Clean Energy Science and Technology ", an associate editor of “Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems”, Lead guest editor of “International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems" and “IET Renewable Power Generation".
付学谦,男,博士研究生学历,中共党员,2017年作为“优秀人才”引进到中国农业大学,聘任为副教授/博士生导师,2020年入选人才培育发展支持计划“青年新星B”,担任IEEE高级会员,IEEE Young Professionals,IEEE智慧乡村中国工作组市场部主任,农业农村部智慧养殖技术重点实验室副主任,入选2023年度“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”。主持国家自然科学基金1项,中国博士后科学基金1项,国家重点实验室开放课题2项,发表SCI论文45篇,其中2篇“ESI高被引论文”,7篇“IF>10论文”,入选北京市科协“北京地区广受关注学术论文”1篇,出版国际英文著作1章,副主编身份出版“大国三农”系列教材《园艺设施环境智能调控与节能》,授权/受理发国家专利21项,授权软件著作权44项。
Biography: Liwei Ju, male, 1989, associate professor, North China Electric Power University. The bachelor's and doctoral degrees are received from North China Electric Power University in 2012 and 2017. He is the Elsevier China Highly Cited Scholars in 2020 and 2021. His mainly research field is energy system modeling and decision optimization, energy economy and policy analysis, electricity market, distributed energy optimization and utilization and integrated energy system. During the pass five years, He has already presided two National Natural Science Foundation of China projects, two Beijing Municipal Social Science Foundation projects, 1 China Postdoctoral Fund project. He has already published more than 30 papers as the first author in domestic and foreign journals such as Applied Energy, Energy, Energy Conversion and, Management, etc. and published 2 monographs by Science Press.
Submit Now

Delegates are encouraged to submit their full papers/abstract to the special sessions. Please submit electronically article in PDF format before the submission deadline.

The online submission system is opened here:

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Any questions, please mail the conference secretary.